English Golf Courses

Fun Game No.1 - 'Brolly Golf'

Fun Game No.1 - ‘Brolly Golf’

What is it?

‘Brolly Golf’ is a fun game that can be played with friends and family almost anywhere. All it requires is a Golphin golf club (preferably a 7-iron), some balls, an umbrella and an open and safe grassy area. Playing it will help develop balance, rhythm, timing and hand eye co-ordination and distance control. It’s a really fantastic way for you to learn how to chip a ball into a target area.

How to play

Use jumpers to mark your starting position and safety standing position, then put your brolly open and upside down on the ground. Place it approximately three yards from your starting position and take it in turns to try to chip your ball into the brolly using your Golphin clubs and Flipper golf balls. The player or team with most balls in the brolly are the winners.

The outcomes

This game is great for family and friend engagement, not to mention building confidence. It’s good to praise effort over performance and will instil the values of continuing to try and not giving up. Move the brolly closer or further away to make it easier / harder as desired or make it a timed game, with the most balls in the brolly or ‘first to five’ etc to make it fun and varied.

Fun Game No.2 - ‘Chip To It’

What is it?

Like ‘Brolly Golf’, this is a
fun game that can be played with friends and family members almost anywhere. It will help develop balance, rhythm, timing and hand eye co-ordination and distance control, and is a great way to learn how to chip a ball over an obstacle and into a target area. If you are able to master this game, you will never, ever need to worry about chipping over a bunker towards a green!

How to play

Like ‘Brolly Golf’, this is a
fun game that can be played with friends and family members almost anywhere. It will help develop balance, rhythm, timing and hand
eye co-ordination and distance control, and is a great way to learn how to chip a ball over an obstacle and into a target area. If you are able to master this game, you will never, ever need to worry about chipping over a bunker towards a green!

The outcomes

Again, like ‘Brolly Golf’, this game is great for family and friend engagement and good for building confidence. It teaches the value of perseverance, no matter how difficult you may be finding the game. Move the chair closer or further away to make it easier / harder or make it a timed game, with the most balls resting on the blanket, or ‘first to five’ etc to make it fun and varied. You can also turn it into a pitch over the chair activity.

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